
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Computer Architecture and Organization set -3

Question 1:
A collection of 8 bits is called
a. byte
b. word
c. record

Question 2:
The ascending order or a data Hierarchy is 
a. bit - bytes - fields - record - file - database
b. bit - bytes - record - field - file - database
c. bytes - bit- field - record - file - database
d. bytes -bit - record - field - file - database

Question 3:
How many address lines are needed to address each memory locations in a 2048 x 4 memory chip?
a. 10
b. 11
c. 8
d. 12 

Question 4:
A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an
a. interpreter
b. simulator
c. compiler
d. commander 

Question 5:
In immediate addressing the operand is placed
a. in the CPU register
b. after OP code in the instruction
c. in memory
d. in stack 

Question 6:
Microprocessor 8085 can address location upto 
a. 32K
b. 128K
c. 64K
d. 1M

Question 7:
The ALU and control unit of most of the microcomputers are combined and manufacture on a single silicon chip. What is it called?
a. monochip
b. microprocessor
c. ALU
d. control unit 

Question 8:
When the RET instruction at the end of subroutine is executed,
a. the information where the stack is iniatialized is transferred to the stack pointer
b. the memory address of the RET instruction is transferred to the program counter
c. two data bytes stored in the top two locations of the stack are transferred to the program counter
d. two data bytes stored in the top two locations of the stack are transferred to the stack pointer

Question 9:
A microporgram is sequencer perform the operation  
a. read
b. write
c. execute
d. read and write
e. read and execute

Question 10:
Interrupts which are initiated by an I/O drive are
a. internal
b. external
c. software
d. all of above 


1. a      2. a     3. b     4. c      5.b      6.c      7.b      8.c      9.e     10.b 

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